Terms and Conditions

Booking Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions apply to all bookings made via the Tyne Theatre & Opera House website (tynetheatreandoperahouse.uk), over the phone or in person with the Tyne Theatre & Opera House box office team. 

Venue policies below will apply during your visit, regardless of whether tickets were bought directly with the venue or via a third party ticketing agent.

Updated July 2024

Refunds and Exchanges

All sales are final. All tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable (other than in the limited circumstances set out below).

In the event an event is cancelled or rescheduled to a different date, the ticketholder will be entitled to a refund of the face value ticket and booking fee – no other fees will be refunded.

Ticket exchanges or transfers (e.g to an alternative date) are offered at the discretion of the venue and will be subject to an administration fee.

Tickets may be restricted to a maximum number which will be made apparent during the booking process. We reserve the right to cancel tickets purchased in excess of this number, unless the booking was made with agreement of the venue.

Pricing and fees

All advertised ticket prices include a £1.50 venue levy (unless otherwise stated), which contributes to the maintenance and restoration of our Grade 1 venue. Advertised ticket prices also include a booking fee of (usually) £2. This fee helps us cover the cost of running our box office system, paying ticket commission and other administrative costs – the booking fee will be displayed during the checkout process as ‘commission’.

Both the venue levy and booking fee will be applied to every ticket purchase online, over the phone, or in person. Additional fees, such as delivery fees, may also apply if opting for printed or posted tickets – these fees will be displayed during the checkout process.

Pricing may be subject to change and tickets will be sold at the current box office rate when purchased.

Concessions, promo codes and ticket offers

A ‘concession’ ticket is for under 16s and over 60s unless otherwise stated. A family ticket is for 1 adult and 3 children or 2 adults and 2 children unless otherwise stated (children must be under 16).

Other concession or reduced rates may be available for specific events and will be listed on these event pages and apply for those events only. These rates or reductions may be amended or be made unavailable at any time.

If booking any concession or reduced rate ticket, you must be able to prove eligibility of this reduction as a condition of entry. For information regarding which proof is accepted, you can contact us in advance of attending. If you are unable to prove eligibility for a concession or reduced rate ticket you will be asked to either pay the difference or buy a new ticket at the discretion of the management team.

Promo codes and ticket offers may be made available at any point in the lead up to the show and removed at any time. No existing booking will be amended, or refunds offered, based on any price changes, promo codes or ticket offers made available at any time.

Event programme and seating changes

The promoter and/or venue reserve the right to make alterations to the published event programme. You will not be entitled to a refund or compensation for any reasonable programme changes unless in the case of a “material change” where the event differs significantly to that of which a ticketholder could reasonably expect based on advertised information. Changes to supporting acts, the line-up of any multi-performer event, band members or the use of understudies are not a material change.

It may be necessary, at times, to reseat you for an event. We reserve the right to change the seats allocated at the time of booking if necessary for production, sight line or venue issues. Wherever possible, you will be notified of this before the event and new seats will be of no less value than the seats originally booked. Where new seats are of less value, you will be offered a refund of the difference in value.

It is your responsibility to update any contact details regarding your booking so we can contact you regarding any changes to the event date, time, programme or seating.

Conditions of entry and attendance

If ticket holders have any special requirements or concerns about any special effects which may be featured at the event, please contact us before booking where possible, or before attending. Special effects may include, without limitation, sound, audio visual, pyrotechnic effects or lighting effects.

By attending an event, ticket holders consent to photography, filming and sound recording of themselves as members of the audience. These photos, films and recordings (including any copies) may be used by the venue or promoter without payment. If you do not wish to be photographed, filmed or recorded while in the venue, please contact us prior to booking to discuss this. If an event is signposted as being photographed/recorded, please make our front of house staff aware of any problems with this on arrival.

Late seating will be at the discretion of the venue management and will depend on the nature of the performance and seating arrangements. In general, we will do our best to accommodate latecomers, but cannot guarantee that they will be seated in their originally assigned seats. Latecomers may be held until an appropriate point to admit them, and where advertised there will be some performances in which latecomers will not be admitted at all by request of the production.

The safety and security of patrons and staff is of paramount importance. We undertake bag checks which can slow down entry into the theatre but are a condition of entry. We respectfully request patron’s cooperation with this procedure. Patrons are advised that large bags may not be brought into the venue. Please do not bring ‘bags of life’, suitcase, or hold-alls. Under no circumstances will personal items (bags) be stored, they must be always kept in the possession of its owner. Small personal bags are permitted, no larger than A4 size: 210mm x 297mm. Exception will be made for patrons with medial requirements or additional needs.

The management of the venue reserve the right to refuse ticket holders’ admission to the venue, or request that a ticket holder leave the venue, in reasonable circumstances. We may also take appropriate action to enforce this right.

By way of example, we may refuse entry, or remove a ticket holder who:

  1. Does not have a valid ticket or cannot produce ID to prove they are the ticket holder (in the case of duplicate tickets) or eligible for any concessionary rates
  2. Behaves in a way that may impact the enjoyment of other audience members
  3. Uses language, or behaves in a way that is discriminatory, threatening, aggressive, abusive, unruly or insulting
  4. In the reasonable opinion of venue management is acting under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  5. Smokes, vapes or possesses and or/uses drugs or any illegal substances
  6. Uses mobile phones or other devices which, in the opinion of venue management, could constitute a nuisance to the rest of the audience.

Ticket holders must comply with venue regulations and instructions given by venue staff, especially in relation to health and safety and licencing restrictions.

No refunds will be given to ticket holders who are refused entry, asked to leave, or removed due to their own behaviour as suggested in, but not limited to, the above examples.

To conform with our licensing objectives, only alcohol bought in our bars can be consumed on the premises. Alcohol brought into the theatre will be confiscated.

Ticket holders shall not display or distribute any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials (for free of at cost) without explicit permission from venue management.

If requested by the production, mobile telephones and messaging equipment must be switched off during the event.


To make an accessible booking, please contact our box office team directly on 0191 243 1171, during box office opening hours, to place your booking.

When making a booking, our team will ask for some information regarding your access requirements so that we can allocate appropriate seating and ensure you have a comfortable visit with us. If you’re happy for us to securely store this information on our system, this will help us process future bookings for you quickly and efficiently.

We want to make everyone’s visit with us as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, so if you have any questions regarding venue accessibility or seating suitability (not answered on our accessibility FAQ page) for an upcoming show, regardless of your requirements, please get in touch to discuss this before booking.

If you require a free carer ticket, you may be asked for proof of eligibility to ensure we can keep this scheme open and available for those that need it. In most cases, we will only ask to see proof of eligibility once, which we can then attach to your account for ease of booking in the future.